Funeral Planning
The death of a loved one is a difficult time for families. At Christ the King, our commitment is to assist the family of the deceased in preparing a meaningful celebration of life on earth and eternal life.
Planning a Funeral
Funeral planning typically takes place during a meeting between the priest who will be presiding over the funeral rites and family members of the deceased. If a funeral home is involved, they will assist the family in arranging this meeting. If a funeral home is not involved, the family should contact the parish office by calling (309) 762-4634 to schedule a meeting to make the necessary arrangements.
People and families are welcome to download the Funeral Planning Form (below) to begin the planning process prior to meeting with the priest who will preside over the funeral rites. No funeral planning is finalized until after a meeting with the presider of the funeral.
Please note that if you are making funeral preparations well in advance, we may not be able to honor requests for specific personnel.
Suggested Funeral Readings
Available here are lists of Scriptures appropriate for use at Catholic Funeral Liturgies. One reading is chosen from each the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the Gospels.
*Other Scripture passages can be presented to the presider for approval.
**Non-Scripture readings cannot be read in place of these readings, but could be used in the worship aides or through some other means.
Music Selections
Because music has such a dignified place within the funeral liturgies at Christ the King Catholic Church, we presume that our organist, cantor, and funeral choir will be assisting at each funeral. Guest musicians or cantors will be considered at the family’s request and could be incorporated into the funeral liturgy according to specific abilities and preferences of each musician or cantor.
Eulogies of Remembrance
It has become increasingly popular to remember the deceased at the funeral Mass by asking a member of the family or a close friend to share some thoughts about the deceased. While this can be a very fitting way to honor the deceased, it is actually preferred to have these remarks shared during the Vigil.
Through the presence of Christ found in the Eucharist, Scripture, the gathered faithful and the priest, the funeral Mass moves us from intense grief and loss, to hopeful joy and peace. Having a sad or unrehearsed eulogy after Communion can tend to negate the prayer before it. It is for this reason that the preferred place of the eulogy, if done at all, be at the Vigil or before the Liturgy of the Mass begins.
STEPS for preparing a Eulogy
What sets this person apart or what can you share about the person’s spirit, particularly in living out the faith or bringing Christ’s presence into the world?
Be specific and brief. About 3-5 minutes is the norm. Remarks should always be written out for better delivery. Hearing a poorly prepared, longwinded or incoherent eulogy can be embarrassing and can be detrimental to the atmosphere of prayer and the proper spirit of the occasion.
The remarks should be done with decorum, decency, and with respect to the Catholic faith and tradition. Referring to things such as poems or song texts that are in opposition to the Catholic belief of death and resurrection are not appropriate.
It is most appropriate that the remarks or other stories be shared during the time of the Vigil. Do not feel that it is necessary to offer memories at the funeral. In fact, it is an option.
Writing can be especially helpful during the grieving process. In place of a eulogy, the family is encouraged to write down loving memories of the deceased. These memories could be given to the priest or deacon a day or two before the funeral so that he can include those memories in the homily.