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Parish Involvment

Social Concerns


This group works to raise funds or donations of goods to help people in the Quad Cities through social agencies in the area. 

They meet monthly on the 2nd Tuesday to discuss community concerns. Projects are funded by parish collections and our annual garage sale to provide for the organizations in need.

Grief Support Group


This  support group is for anyone who has experience a deep loss. Sessions meet bi-weekly on Thursday mornings. There is no cost for this program.

Ministry of Praise


Ministry for the homebound, senior citizens, the sick or anyone interested in being a support to our parish. All that is required is the offer of prayers, joys and suffering to God for the spiritual support of others. 


A monthly newsletter is sent to this group to inform them of the events and needed prayers.



Liturgical Ministries

Come join us at our weekend liturgies to help provide an inviting and worshipful atmosphere.  We have many volunteer opportunities for you to help at our weekend Masses.

It takes around 65+ volunteers each weekend to provide our worshipful Mass services.


CTK Charity Quilters


This group of quilters gets together two Tuesdays a month to works on projects that are donated for needs in both our parish and the community.


Knights of Columbus


Father Bill Betson 11977 council meets every 3rd Monday at 7:00 pm. All male parish members are welcome to join. Emphasis include church, community, family, and youth activities.




Wellness Committee


This group works with parish nurse to promote health and wellness through educational programs that are held twice a year.

New Baby-Family Ministries


Anyone can help provide help for our families who have a new baby in their 

home.  Click on the photos above for




Prayer Shawl


Knitting and Crocheting are combined into a prayerful ministry and spiritual practice which reaches out to those in need of comfort and solace as well as in celebration and joy. Blessings are prayed into every shawl. 

Anyone who enjoys knitting or crocheting can create the shawls (patterns and yarn provided). Information and patterns available in the parish office.   

Anyone who wishes to give or receive a shawl may come to the parish office to get one.



Christ The King Association of Retired People is a group of retired parish members - singles and couples - age 55 and over who meet in the parish hall once a month. A catered lunch is served at a nominal charge.

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